

Create, Inspire, Explore

The Arts inspire independence, innovation and critical thinking skills. They boost confidence, and rely on teamwork to ignite creativity. An arts education enriches and complements the core subjects, raising achievement rates across all subjects as well as improving wellbeing and enriching the school day. At any point on their Saltus journey aspiring artists have a wealth of opportunities to explore their talents through music ensembles, drama, film and media arts, and visual arts. 

Our dynamic Music Department offers a variety of opportunities for students of all ages to explore their musical interests. Students can choose to participate in private instrumental or vocal lessons, choir, concert band, strings, the jazz ensemble or any number of specialist ensemble groups. Throughout the year, there are live performance opportunities at school, as part of one of our productions, or at community events and celebrations representing Saltus.

Performing Arts
Students at Saltus are introduced to Drama in Grades 6, 7, and 8 with a focus on developing the building blocks of acting, improvisation, characterisation, collaboration, spatial awareness, timing, focus, performance, and theatrical design and technology. Students can also elect to take Drama through to graduation

Annually, the Performing Arts Department holds a student production which alternates between a musical and a Shakespeare or a professionally published play. This provides a unique environment where students can audition to perform on-stage in a lead or supporting role. Students can also choose to explore other aspects of a production from lighting and sound to stage management, set and costume design, playwriting, theatrical production, and directing. 
Visual Arts
The Fine Arts curriculum is designed to allow students to build on their skills and improve their control of materials, tools and techniques as they progress. Throughout the Middle Visual Communication courses, students explore colour and impressionism, Renaissance-style portraits, landscapes, Bermuda architecture, single, double and triple-point perspective, the human form, Op Art, Modern Art and self-portraiture.
Secondary Visual Arts offers students a traditional yet contemporary skill development. Building on their understanding of the formal elements, students respond conceptually to themes built around portraiture, natural form and manmade, and their own personal choices. Students may also opt to complete the AP external qualification in their senior years.

Film and Media
At Saltus, Media Arts (Grades 8 & 9) and Film & Media (Senior) equips students to develop their own directorial or design concepts, refine their creative voice, master current media technologies, and explore new ones. Our black box theatre can be transformed into a film studio with a raised stage and green screen, while two lighting rigs and upgraded sound systems in Alumni Hall and the Drama Studio support learning in theatre lighting and sound. Students can produce live performances or create video projects using post-production software. With Canon XA45 Professional UHD 4K camcorders, they also gain hands-on experience in film, TV, and broadcasting.
Click above to learn more about the Bermuda Youth Film Festival
Past Saltus Productions 
  • A Midsummer Night’s Dream (2016) 
  • School of Rock (2017-18),
  • Alice in Wonderland (2019), 
  • Bugsy Malone (2020),
  • Much Ado About Nothing (2021),
  • Our Town (2023)
  • Newsies (2024)
  • Macbeth (Coming in 2025)
In my senior year, I introduced a Middle School oratorical competition to allow students to develop self-confidence, poise, and the ability to present in front of an audience. These experiences have encouraged my entrepreneurialism and confidence to study business.  I felt equipped with the confidence to shape and create a vision, refine my project management and organisational skills, and see my ideas blossom into successful results.
  - Vincent Darrell '22: Solent University (UK); Business & Management with Marketing
Our Mission is to inspire a passion for learning and independent thinking through a commitment to academic excellence, personal integrity and service to others.