Athletics Overview

Inter-House Sports

Inter-house Sports: Butterfield, Darrell, Saltus & Watlington

Saltus has an extensive inter-house programme from Upper Primary to SGY2 which dates back to the late 1800's. At the very first Sports Day on March 20th, 1883 Princess Louise presented the Victor Ludorum trophy to the champion boy. Much has changed since then however; the vision of providing a diverse extra curriculum programme still exists.

The four houses of Butterfield (green), Darrell (blue), Saltus (red) and Watlington (yellow) compete in a variety of sporting events, academic challenges and school wide competitions throughout the year. At the end of each year the points are totaled and the winning house is awarded the Nichol Shield.

These events are:
  • Soccer (January)
  • Cross Country (February)
  • Track and Field /Sports Day (April/May)
  • Softball (June)
  • Swimming (June)
  • Cricket (Year 5/6 only) - June