We want to make sure that you feel welcome every time to visit one of our two campus locations. At St. John’s Road, the school's reception desk is situated in the Secondary Department building on the right as you enter from St. John’s Road (through the main doors). At Cavendish, you can find a friendly face in the office located on the main level.
It is essential that all visitors to Saltus, including parents, sign in at Reception and wear a visitor's badge. Whilst this may cause inconvenience, the policy is in place to protect the students and to avoid a possible lockdown procedure. Staff are instructed to question any person on the site who is not wearing a visitor’s identification badge.
Limited visitor parking is available on both campuses between 9.00am and 2.45pm only. It is essential that these spots are vacated by 2.45pm to facilitate traffic flow during high volume pick up times. Parents and visitors should not park anywhere other than in designated areas, as parking elsewhere impedes the flow of traffic through the School grounds and may interupt emergency vehicle access.