Our Middle School Programme:
The inquiry-based curriculum prepares students for life beyond Saltus which includes but it is not limited to problem solving, communication, and critical thinking. Areas of the Middle School curriculum include core subjects (English, Mathematics, Science, Modern Foreign Languages, Humanities and Physical Education), as well as specialised subjects (Visual Art, Music, Public Speaking, Computing, Design Technology and Drama).
The programme in Middle School is student-centred, responsive, developmentally appropriate with a focus on Social & Emotional learning. There is a focus on team building, mindfulness, agency, study skills, decision making and ethical citizenship. By using a Restorative Justice approach, we also seek to build the students’ toolkit to ensure they become resilient and learn from their mistakes.
There is a responsive and connected Advisory programme that builds a sense of community within small groups. The scheduled ‘flex’ period allows for more time to be given to building intra-personal skills and to providing extra-curricular opportunities for the students. Students are given opportunities for real world learning and are encouraged to explore, test, and refine across all areas of our curriculum.
At Saltus, we ensure both academic excellence and student engagement through a combination of both internal and external measurements, benchmarking our curriculum against internationally recognised standards.